Thursday, May 17, 2018
The Butterfly (Illness)
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Life is Beautiful Movie Review
After watching movies I always take the time to imagine if I was in one of the characters shoes. This movie was really intense for someone who has never heard of the Holocaust but in my opinion, I have seen other movies that are a lot more intense than this. I really enjoyed watching this movie because eventhough it was in a different language it made it seem more realistic. The part the surprised me the most was when the dad died. It was really sad and he didn’t seem like the right character to die. I really liked how told his son that the whole Holocaust was a game and if he won then he would get a big real tank. My parents would probably have told me that I’m possibly going to die. I would have been so scared. I also thought that the would movie was very interesting because just by reading a story about the Holocaust is not enough. The proper way to fully understand it is by having visual pictures or videos to help you process it better. This movie was probably by far one of my favorite Holocaust movies now. I recommend this movie for anyone that wants to learn more about the Holocaust or wants to watch a movie on a certain persons point of view.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Super Excited!!!!!!
Today is Wednesday so that means Whadya Say Wednesday! Today’s topic is: What are you most excited for in the fourth quarter? Well since this is the last quarter of the year that means that all of the end of the year activities are going to be happening. Such as going to Springfield going on the boat cruise, 6 flags and don’t forget Promotion. I am super excited for Promotion because it’s my last year of middle school and the last time I will ever see my teachers and the school. I will miss some of my friends that are going to different schools and some of my favorite teachers. I will especially miss all of the fun activities I did all three years of middle school. I just feel like these past three years went by really fast. Next week on Wednesday is when 7th and 8th graders in my school go to Springfield. I and really happy and excited for that. I am also really happy that I get to sit next to one of my best friend. Anyways, after all what has happened this year I am also super excited for summer. First I’m going to spend the first 2 weeks relaxing and just hanging out with friends. Then I am going to try to get a summer job since I’m going to be 14 this summer. After that I am going to be taking these summer classes in my high school that I am going to next year. It’s not summer school it’s actually called Bridge and if you do it during the summer you can receive credits that can better your time in school. Finally, I am actually going to a new school next year in a completely different district. I am very excited to make new friends, meet new people and join fun clubs. Ahhhh, I can’t wait for all of these things to happen!
Saturday, March 31, 2018
SOL 31- Staying Strong Till The End
Wow, today is the last day of March and the last day of the Slice of Life blogging challenge. I can’t believe that I managed to complete it. I am so proud that blog for 31 days straight without breaking a single sweat. ;) I’m kidding..... Anyways, I’m going to try to encourage other people next year to do this challenge too. Some people think that it’s a waste of time or just can’t think of anything to blog at the time. Actually I thought that it was really fun and a great way to share my opinions towards subjects. I also want to thank all my friends for helping me by reminding me to blog so I would never forget to. I didn’t do anything wayyy to exciting today besides going to the park with my two younger siblings. Also I am super excited because tomorrow is Easter and April Fools Day which is so rare and weird. :/ I think that I might still try to blog a little more during April and maybe try to do this challenge next year. This was really fun to do and I recommend every one to try it at least once.
Friday, March 30, 2018
SOL 30- Spring outfits 😋
Lately I’ve been trying to plan some nice outfits for spring or fun occasions. I not really the type to be a fashionista but I still like clothes. I’ve also never been a person to wear a dress but I’ve kind,of gotten into them. My friends are all super supported when it comes to clothes and what would look nice and what doesn’t. Anyways my mom and I try to go to second hand stores to look for some cool tops that are in good condition and are my style. Some people think that if you go to stores like that that, it means your poor. Actually, you can find really good clothes that are in a retro like design. I looovvvveeee retro things and the way that old things look like. I am a very hypster person and I really like that kind of style in clothing wise. Or sometimes I could go for an all black outfit. Black is one of my favorite colors. ;) I also really love purple and metallic colors. Especially gold and rose gold. I try to keep things in nice arrangement so they match week together. I don’t really have any outfits planned out now but I might blog about it if I have some in mind soon.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
SOL 29- My Cat Had An Allergic Reaction!!!
This story is based off yesterday evening and today. When I got home from school yesterday, I went to go get my cats Raby shots. Then as we got home a couple hours later, my younger cat Louis got allergic reaction from the vaccination. Both of my cats got three shots each that day. It turns out Louis might’ve been allergic to one of the vaccinations you got. The first symptom of the allergic reaction was vomiting. He threw up eight times in my room. At first I thought it was normal, Like he had a hairball. Eventually something was wrong with him. The next symptom was hives and itching us around his face. His face turned so bright pink and he kept scratching his face. My mom and I went to the nearest animal hospital to go see what was wrong with him. Turns out, the place was closed. I got so frustrated, and I knew that we had to take him to a different one. Then we called the new hospital and they were super far away from my house. The time was 10:30pm at night. It was super late in the night but we made it to the new hospital. It was kind of expensive to get an appointment there but we were the only ones there too. While the veterinarian was looking at him they already knew that he had an allergic reaction. They gave him a steroid shot so The swelling can go down. Finally they told us that he had to take Benadryl which is a human allergy medicine. I didn’t trust an animal taking a human substance. But the doctor recommended it. Lastly, we got home at 12:30 PM at night. It was all me the next day! Louis didn’t want to do anything for the rest the night. He was super tired so he took a long nap. That night felt super different because usually he sleeps with me. The next morning, his face was back to normal and he was super happy to see everyone. I was super happy to see that he was healthy again. Now we just have to give him medicine before he gets his rabies shots again. Thanks for Reading my long weird story but I hope you enjoyed it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
SOL 28- Holocaust Museum Day
Eventhough a lot of people that are doing the blogging challenge are going to be blogging about this I still want to share my thoughts are perspective of the field trip. So today my team of the grade when to the Holocaust Museum. We have been learning a little about it in school but we all still knew a little about it already. So when we got their we got a tour guide. They pretty much showed us around the museum and told us a lot about the holocaust. We even got to use these little machines that look a little like tape players but you can hear a what the tour guide was saying. (Look at the picture below) Finally before we left, we met a survivor of the Holocaust. I thought he was really cool because pretty soon there aren’t going to be much of these people in the future to tell their stories. Anyways I personally thought that the whole trip was pretty fun to learn about the facts and was also hard to take in that this actually happened in our world long ago. During the trip I also kept thinking like what I would do if I was in their shoes. I would also like to come back again with my family.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
SOL 27- I Miss You Guys
Today I hung out with one of my old best friends named Gizel. I missed her so much this whole school year. I haven’t seen her all year. We had a lot of great memories together. She has brought me so close to people I didn’t expect talking to. She is not only one of my old friends that I miss because I have a lot more. Anyways today I talked to here about this year so far and about other friends of mine that she was friends with too. I am so happy that I might be able to spend more time with her since she is on spring break. Last weekend I was also talking to my other long distance friend about school and friends. Having long distance friends is not always easy to deal with and to stay in touch but it is always great to meet up again at some point. Do you have any long distance friends?
Monday, March 26, 2018
SOL 26- Rain, Rain Keep Coming
In my personal opinion, I LOVE RAIN. It is a great excuse for me to stay inside and in my bed or watching a good movie on Netflix. I love rain because I know that it is spring or it is going to be it soon. We people say “Rain, Rain Go Away.” I always say “Rain, Rain please stay.” My favorite season is spring. I love this time of the year because it is not too hot nor too cold it’s just right for me. My birthday is also right around the corner at this time. Anyways when I stay inside for a rainy say I pretty much live off of Netflix and Youtube. I stay in my room for at least 10 hours just on technology. Then when I actually get bored from all of that I move on to reading a book that I am currently reading or reading a new book that seems great on a rainy day. These next couple of days are going to be just right weather for me. Do you like rainy days or do you want them to go away?
Sunday, March 25, 2018
SOL 25- Officially Spring Cleaning🌷
A week ago it two I posted saying that I did some “pre spring cleaning” but today I did my official cleaning. Every year my family and I all get assigned a room in the house besides our own rooms and we have to clean it. I was so happy because I got assigned my own room and my siblings had to clean the bathrooms or the kitchen. I needed some really good cleaning in my room. Let me just tell you, I had quite a few things to get rid of. First my mom and I went through my coolest to decide on clothes to keep and to donate. Then we moved on to washing my sheets and my little sisters sheets. Finally I cleaned a lot of things out of my desk and wiped it down clean. I am super happy that I am not living in a complete clutter anymore. I love cleaning and spring cleaning because it is a great way for me to stay productive and have fun at the same time. I was going to put in some before and after pictures in my blog but I was wayyyyy to busy cleaning. Do you do Spring cleaning or will you every try it?
Saturday, March 24, 2018
SOL 24- Family Movie Night🎥🍿
On almost every weekends my family and I like to have movie nights. Tonight we decided to watch the new Jumanji movie since last weekend we watched the old one. We don’t always have movie nights because most likely we are busy. For movie nights my mom likes to make popcorn from our popcorn machine and I like to make a dessert. So I made cookies in the shape of easter things like bunnies,easter eggs and etc. I really liked the movie because it was really different compared to the original one. I do love older movies too, but I thought this one was cool too. This is what I did today. Did you ever watch this movie or have movie nights?
Friday, March 23, 2018
SOL 23- Pictures Can Tell A Lot📷
If you didn’t ever read the About Me page on my blog before reading my blogs, then you might need to do that in order to understand my personality better. One of my all time favorite hobbies besides watching YouTube is photography. I love taking pictures of things like animals,plants, buildings. I currently take pictures on my phone because I don’t have a camera. It is only of my future goals to get a camera for pictures and different lenses for it too. If you have any great camera suggestions please tell me them. ;) Anyways I haven’t been taken pictures recently because I am still busy with school and stuff and home but I always try to take pictures on the weekends. In the future I have a lot of dream jobs but one of my favorite one is becoming a professional photographer. I didn’t know that I wanted to be one as a kid but as I got older I got to have more experiences with other things. I want to keep this one of my top goals to accomplish. Do you like photography or have taken pictures. What are some of your goals.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
SOL 22- That’s not how I remember it.....
If you are not into Mandela Effects then this might not be for you. So one of my favorite you tubers is Shane Dawson. If you don’t know him well he pretty much does really crazy stuff and some his videos are conspiracy theories videos. In those types of videos he also likes to talk about the Mandela effect. The Mandela Effect is basically when you look at something like a logo or a brand and when you look back at it in a different time it’s different or it changed. I know it might seem confusing but I love looking at them online and still being so confused because of them. I told my mom about them and she was so confused. If you don’t already then please start watching Shane Dawson and his conspiracy theory videos. They are really good. Also remember that not all conspiracy theories are real they are usually made for entertainment or just to keep something on your mind. I just wanted to blog today about something I am really into. Do you believe in the Mandela Effect or have heard of it? Here are a some of my favorites...... :)
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
SOL 21- Art Club🎨
So in my school my 2 best friends and I join the clubs. This was actually my second year going to this club. I don’t normally join sports in my school because I am more into the arts programs. ;) Anyways, every Wednesday my friends and I all try to go to three clubs in one day. First we go to Me To We which is basically a community helping type of club. It is really fun and we do so much activities and have fundraisers for it. Then once that club is over we go to Art Club which is one of my favorite clubs with my friends. I love this club because it is open and free for anyone to show their art. You can draw,color or paint. Sometimes we even have art events that you can place your art in it. My best friends and I always talk a lot in this club and completely random things. ;) Finally the last club we go to is Youth Crossroads which is a club where you stay afterschool till 5 and do homework and talk to friends. I love all of my friends not just the friends that join clubs with me. There is always a club for everyone to join you just have to find the right one. I love Wensdays especially because of these clubs!
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
SOL 20- Sooooo much lip balm 💄
Wow, already twenty days of blogging has pasted by. That was really fast. So today I am going to tell you this memory of when I was in fifth grade and my friends and I were carrying around a bunch of lip balm. Well this isn’t really a one time thing, we did this everyday. So in the fifth grade my friends and I were obsessed with lip balm. When I mean obsessed I meant OBSESSED. We each all had different brands and colors and even different flavors. It’s so weird thinking about it today for me. I remember that one of my old friends would have the same brand of one but in different flavors and colors. We would even sometimes share our lip balm. WEIRD, I know! Anyways I’m pretty sure people know us by having so much lip balms because we would take them everywhere we when. We never had any chapped lips. ;) Even for our birthdays we would ask for more lip balm. Today I only carry around one lip balm but before I’m pretty sure I carried around like 20. :) So this was a really weird memory of mine when I was in fifth grade being a little girl. Do you have any weird memories?
Monday, March 19, 2018
SOL 19- Good things happen to those who wait
Afer reading the title it might make you think. Well I chose it because it is one of the most important things my mom has ever told me. I like to think of quote sometimes. ;) Anways today for me gradually has gotten better. Ok, let’s start from the beginning. I woke up really late today, I mean later than I normally wake up at. Then I’m rushing to get out the door. Just letting you know I am also sick by the way. Eventually I’m at school. So school is not one of my favorite things in the world but I love having all my friends there with me. After lunch my day got a little better. Then I finally got home and I was so hungry. My mom noticed that my dad didn’t make any dinner so my mom said “ “Let’s go get some Costco Pizza!” If you have never tried it please do. It is really good even some of my friends like Vivian enjoy it too. :) I was really happy after that. Then a few hours after I came home from pizza my mom told me “Let’s go to the “store.” The reason why I quoted store is because we never never to the store. She took me to the T-Mobile store so I could get a new phone. I was super extremely because I haven’t got a new one in a while. :) I am super grateful to what happened today. I am not trying to brag so please don’t take it that way. :/ Anyways I had a great day after all.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
SOL 18- Pre Spring Cleaning
Its not really like me to be cleaning on Sundays but today was a little different. You might not realize it but cleaning is one of my favorite hobbys. Weird, I know. I love cleaning and organizing things into their perfect places. In the future one of goal jobs is actually to become an Interior Home Designer because it seems so cool. Anyways, today I spend most of the day cleaning out the clutter in my room and around house. Then the rest of the day I enjoyed it by playing outside since it was 55 degrees. While I was cleaning I found a lot of things from a long time ago and I was really suprised about it. Today was like my pre spring cleaning. I hope during spring break I wish to clean even more then. So this is is a little bit of how I feel about spring cleaning.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
SOL 17- ☘️A Very Green Day!!! ☘️
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Today my family and I all went to go see the river dyed green. To get there we took the train to Chicago. It took us a little while but we finally made it. I also found out that one oft favorite youtubers named David Dobrik was going to be there too. I didn't get my hopes to high up to see him but I still would look forward too. :/ Anyways, I had a pretty fun time there. I have never seen the river like that close up in person. While we were still there we went to go different malls in city. Let me just tell you if you have never been to really big malls like that, they are HUGE. They probably had every store in the world there. I didn't get anything because I wasn't planning to. Today was pretty cool and please enjoy these pictures of the river. :) Have you ever seen it or what did you do today?
Friday, March 16, 2018
SOL 16- Why Rad Cat?🐈😺
You might ask yourself why did you name your blogs Rad Cat Blogs. Well it’s because I really like cats and the word “rad” is one of my favorite words. I know, I know that seems really simple and dumb but I really like it. My original background for my blogs was pink and orange but I felt like it wasn’t really me. I wanted to show people my true personality towards my blog so I chose many cats in a galaxy. I really love galaxys and outer space. I just love the colors, stars and planets. I think the world outside of Earth is really creative and beautiful. I don’t really mind if people judge my blog posts and background I just appreciate that your being honest and not lying. It doesn’t effect me when someone hates on me it makes me gain more confident and makes me appreciate more of myself. So this is why I chose Rad Cat. :) I promise these posts will get better, I just wanted to put this out there.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
SOL 15- Scary Amber Alert
I'm pretty sure many people in the state I live in revived this message. So last night before I went robbed I was watching youtube then all of us sudden my phone completely freezes the video. I thought that someone is calling me because that normally happens. Then this loud beeping comes through my headphones and through my phone to the point were it is really loud and I'm screaming. I hate the sound that it makes. I didn't know what it was so I immediately assumed it was a Flash Flood Warning until I read on my screen what it said. Turns out there was two little girls that were kids kidnaped and were taken in a grey car. They sent out warning signs to everyone to watch out for the car or any mysterious person in your neighborhood. I hope both of the kids stay calm and safe and come back home. My prayers go to their families and friends. I'm sorry that these last couple of posts were a little weird but I promise they will get better. So this is a moment in my life that really scared me.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
SOL 14- National Walk Out Day
Today's blog is going to be a little more about feelings and emotions. So my school didn't exactly have a walk out but we had a rally. The rally basically had many speeches from some students in my school that wanted to share their options on school shootings. I agreed with most speeches but not all and that's ok. In my opinion School shootings are really wrong but we should still forgive the person for what they did because they're still humans like us, and we also make mistakes too. Not everyone would agree with me on that but it's fine. I am totally against school shootings and a certain age of people handling a weapon that causes harm. In the rally we went outside to form a heart with the number 17 in it. That sands for the seventeen people that had their lives taken away because of this massacre. We shouldn't just blame the shooter but we should also blame ourselves for having to deal with it. I hope Parkland, Florida stays safe and doesn't get know as "the death school." My heart goes out for all the families and victims towards this event. I hope nothing like this ever happens again. Thank you!
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
SOL 13- First day of PARCC....uhhhhhh
Today was one of the most stressful and tiring days ever. I know I might seem like I am over exaggerating about it but I not because almost everyone in my school hates PARCC testing. It seems easy since there are only a little amount of questions but really they are really long and challenging. No one ever sees any true point of taking these tests. Plus we never get our results back. :/ So today in my school we had to take the ELA test which means a lot of reading plus a bonus essay. That was not a fun bonus. :( The questions we somewhat ok for me to do but I tried my best to put all of my best efforts in it. Tomorrow we take another ELA. Wish me a good luck and for a great nights sleep. :)
Monday, March 12, 2018
SOL 12- Quote of the Day
Today I spun across the web for a nice, inspirational quote for my lock screen on my phone. it took me a while to find a good one. then I finally found one. This quote doesn't have a specific author but it really made think about it. The quote reads "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.''-Unknown. This made me think about things that I put down and things that I pick up all the time. I should stop doing the same boring things everyday and I should get exposed to more things. I think that this is not only important for me but for everyone else to think about too. I also think that everyone should stop rushing everything and savor the little things that life gives us. I am so happy because not only I found a brand new lock screen but I also found a great message that I should keep in the back of my head. :)

Sunday, March 11, 2018
SOL 11- A place with many books to checkout
Usually most weekends I love going to the Libray. I love it there because it is so peaceful and full of books. I also love reading and that’s the main reason why I love going there. Today I went to my local library and stayed there for a while to find a book that I might like. I pick up this book called Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horwath. My fourth grade teacher read it to the class but I am ver6 courious to read it again because I completely forgot what it was about. I might blog about it when I am done. :) Anyways the library is kind of like my second home because I am always there on weekends and at my house on the weekdays. I know most of the people there and check out a lot of books. My mom said I might get my very own library card for my birthday. :) I so excited for that!! So I enjoyed going to the Library today. Have you ever been to a library or what are some of your favorite books?
Saturday, March 10, 2018
SOL 10- Baking a cake
One of my favorite hobbies is baking. I don't do it as often as my other hobbies but it is still a fun thing to do. I like to make all different types of sweets. Like cookies, cakes, cupcakes and brownies. I personally am not a pro at it but I still love doing it. It has become a family tradition of mine to bake on certain holidays like Christmas, New Years and more. I have made my own birthday cake before too. Baking/Cooking is a field in the future that I might be interested in but I am still thinking about it. Today I made a chocolate bunt cake with vanilla frosting. I couldn't take a picture of it because by the time you are reading this blog there would be no more cake. :/ I really enjoyed it and will maybe try to bake a little more often so I could blog about it more.
Friday, March 9, 2018
SOL 9- Another day seeing a play
Today I went back to school to go watch the Speech and Drama and Readers Theater plays. I was kind of excited to watch the different types that everyone preformed. As soon as I got there I automatically started talking to an old teacher/friend of mine that I really like and her name is Mrs. Clumsky. For safety reasons I am not going to state her full name even though she is a celebrity. we were just talking about the plans for this years musical in my school district. She also told me how she loves my help and wants me to continue my dreams and stay cool. Then after all the talking the show began. I really liked all the acts, because they were so good. Finally I came home to eat some delicious Ramen Noodles. :) My day was complete. What was your favorite part of the day?
Thursday, March 8, 2018
SOL 8- Mission Accomplished
Today at school was the last day to get all or your content assessments done that your teacher has assigned to you. In my school we use this program called Summit Learning which basically has materials that include stuff from all or most of your classes. That means that you could practice skills from Math, ELA, Social Studies or Science. After you take your time learning the individual assignment that your teacher has assigned to you, you have to take a test called a content assessment. Anyways, so today was the last day to get them done. I worked on a few of them over the long weekends but I continued to fail on all the content assessments that I took and I got really frustrated from that. I tried it multiple times and continued to fail. I asked for help from people in my family and my teacher. Then the 5th time I took the test I got a 10/10. I felt so relieved and happy to get that over with. I know even though I fail I have to keep trying so I can catch my mistake and fix it. Now I get to get a dress down tomorrow. :)
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
SOL 7- Perfect Picture Day....not really
So today was 8th grade promotion picture day. Yayyyyy! Not really. Personally, I do like picture day because I am happy of what I am wearing and what my friends are wearing but I am a little insecure about my smile. :/ I don’t know whether to smile with my teeth or no teeth and sometimes I feel like the photographer is pressuring me a little to smile with my teeth. Sometimes my smile makes me look a little weird like I am either really mad or sad when I am not feeling those emotions. Today’s picture day was a little different then other picture days because we had to take 2 normal pictures siting down and at least 3 pictures of us standing up. In the pictures where I had to stand up, they made me put my hand on my hip then I had to hold a picture frame that says “Class of 2018.” Finally they made me take a picture of my arms crossed. I have never taken pictures of me like this at school so it was a first. I felt a little weird taking these pictures today but I am a little nervous to get them back.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
SOL 6- Mia the Flutist
I’ve been playing the flute for about 3 years now and I really enjoy it. First of all I never picked this instrument, my mom encouraged me to start playing it because my cousin used to play the flute. Before the flute I have always wanted to play the trumpet. I really enjoy playing the flute because it is so simply and snazzy. A small instrument like that can make a really high sound. I am going to be playing the flute for all of high school especially in Marching band and maybe even in college. I am really exited to see where my flute takes me and what new music I learn to play out of it. You may even call me a flutist, just kidding. Don’t actually call me that it’s really weird. Wow! 6 blogs done, I promise that I will keep it going.
Monday, March 5, 2018
SOL 5- Bed Frame Catastrophe
It all started when my older sister broke her box spring for her bed. Then my mom saw online, a bedframe that was really talk. There were other people that wanted it but my mom got to get it first. The address was really far away from my house. So we went out later today to the salespersons house to get the bed frame. It was all ok until it started raining really hard while we here on the highway. Then it starts to get dark since we left at 5pm. Finally we arrive to the “address”, which seemed to have never existed. We look atll around the neighborhood to find it and we never did. Eventually we called the salesperson to say that we were trying to find their address and they never picked up. Finally we left that town and went to the grocery store near my house and then al of us sudden they called. Then we picked up and explained to them everything and they hung up midway through the conversation. We never got the bed frame.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
SOL 4- Sunday Play
After church I went to go see Morton West High School’s play, The Giver. I personally never read the book or saw the movie but I got watch it live in a play today. I went with my older sister Celeste and I really liked it. I have seen most musicals and other plays that the school has put on. One thing that really confused me was that this play seating was a little different since they didn’t use the whole auditorium. There were chairs on the stage and risers in front of the stage to put more chairs there. So it looked like a mini auditorium. I thought the actors did a job well done and gave in their best efforts since today was the last day out of 10 days of preforming. Next year when I go to high school I really want to help in the crew backstage and maybe even if I become really confident, I want to be part of the actual play or musical. Today was pretty fun and I enjoyed it a lot. Have you ever been to a play?
Saturday, March 3, 2018
SOL 3- Lazy Caturday
Saturday is my lazy day. Sometimes I like to do all of my homework for the weekends on Fridays so I don’t have to worry about it during the rest of the weekend. My weekends are, staying up late, sleeping in and watching Netflix and YouTube with my cats. That pretty much summarizes my weekends. Actually the word caturday is a better phrase to describe my weekend. That means I stay with my cats in my house all day and just relax.The word caturday is cat and Saturday combined. I love both of my cats so much. Today I felt really relax and got to catch up on some really good movies and books. What do you do during the weekend?
Friday, March 2, 2018
SOL 2- Dominga Arredondo
I have never felt the feeling that someone in my family died before when I was younger. I thought that those people moved some where very far away. Then I experienced it in a very hard way. Exactly 2 years ago today my grandma past way. When I found out that she was diagnosed with cancer I automatically bursted into tears. I knew my grandma for eleven years already. Which is a really long time. Sometimes I wish that I could see my grandma some days and see her reaction to notice how much I have grown over the past years. This day is not only hard for me and my siblings to think about, but my mom and her 4 other siblings. I miss my grandma so much more everyday. My mom told me that right now as we speak she is walking streets of gold with no pain. I myself as a Christian pray for her everyday. Sometimes I feel like she’s looking over my head in a good way. I didn’t feel so bad today because I just think about all the memories I shared with her.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
SOL 1- So far so fast
I woke up this morning realizing that it was already March 1st. I said to myself, “Wow! This year went by really fast. Then I got really happy because today is the first day of the Slice of Life blogging challenge. I personally have never participated in Slice of life blogging before but I heard a lot about it. I am really exited to see what others will write about and what interesting stories they have to share. My moment to share was that I was really exited to start blogging for the whole month of March. This month will go by fast but I will make these blogs last forever. My goal is to complete this challenge by having fun in what I write. :)
Monday, February 26, 2018
A little bit of Everything,Everything
Last week I read the novel Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon. The genre of this book is young adult, meaning that it might be hard for young readers to understand. This book is about a 18 year old girl named Madeline Whitter who loves to read, but she was born with a really rare disease called SCID which in her own words is like “bubble baby disease” that makes her allergic to everything in the world. She can’t go outside, eat certain foods, touch certain things and have everything sanitary and disinfected well. Madeline hasn’t gone outside in 18 years, which is a very long time. She lives with her mom who is kind of like her doctor and her nurse Carla that checks her blood pressure, breaths per minute and room temperature. Madeline has always dreamt to go outside and explore the other half of the world beyond her house. Until this one day a new boy moved in next door to her house. His name was Oliver or Olly for short. The moment that she laid her eyes on him she instantly fell in love. Her mother always told her not to fall in love with someone because they would break your heart, but that didn’t really stop her. Madeline dreams that her life could just be perfect but, then she hears really bad confusing news that makes her feel so disappointed. You will have to read the book to find out what happens to Madeline. That is my favorite part of the book. The theme of this book would be adventurous because ever since Madeline was born she has always wanted to travel and explore the world by seeing the other half of the world and see what she was missing out of. I read the book then I watched the movie and I always say that the book is always better than the movie. Everything, Everything in my own words is a really nice book if you are also into other books like The Fault in our Stars by John Green. Would you read this book or watch the movie? What would your life be like if you had SCID and could not leave your house?
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Thinking deeply about a Quote
Sometimes in the morning I need a little inspiration to make me feel better to get out of bed. So what I like to do is, look up some quotes that I know will make me feel better then pick one and use that as a path that I will try to follow throughout the day. Quotes make me feel good because there are different types of quotes with all different types of meanings. I chose a quote by Albert Einstein. It reads “Life if like a bicycle. To keep balance you must keep moving.” This quote really made me think deeply because I wanted the day to be in balance and to not think about the bad or wrong things in life. I wanted to only feel positive today.
Gacefully Grayson
Over the pass two weeks I finished reading the book Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky. I didn’t know about this book until I saw my friend reading it and she told me a little about the book and I immediately got hooked onto it. This book tells a great life lesson from kids to even adults. The book starts out with an ordinary little boy named Grayson that was in the sixth grade. Sadly both of his parents died so he lives with his Aunt and Uncle. Grayson was a little different than other boys because of the way he felt in the inside. Grayson didn’t have very many friends but he also really liked girly things like braiding hair, playing with dolls and dressing up. He never did any of those things because he didn’t want everyone to tell him something he already heard like “You’re Gay!” or “Is that Genetic?” He felt like a true girl in the inside but never wanted to show it on the outside. In class Grayson would draw geometric princess so no one would call him out for drawing a normal princess. He would also wear long basketball shorts and pretend that it was long skirt too. Over the weekend Grayson would sometimes go out with his one friend Amelia to the Second Hand*, while they were there Grayson would try to find girl clothes that were in his size that he liked. He wouldn’t buy them because he didn’t want anyone to laugh at him for it. This book made me think a lot about real people in the world going through this everyday. This doesn’t only affect boys but it affects girls too. I rated this book a 9/10 because it was easy to understand and read but at the same time it has a lot of facts and details to think about. If you ever stumble across someone that is like this, never hate them because they are different but love them for who they are.
*Second Hand is like a thrift store
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
My One Word 2018
My one word for 2018 is the word choice. I choose this word because I feel like this year I am going to try to go down the right path instead of the wrong path and I will pick the right choices. This word connects to my life because want to do well in the future and that can’t happen it I don’t follow what I need to do and I have to not worry about a huge problem because I have to move on from it. This year I am going to try my best to not care about every little problem I face, but I will solve any major problems that can effect me or anyone else. I like this word because I think it is very appropriate with the behavior that I chose is I am going to act like this year. Some ways I can think of this word in my daily life is by writing down in someplace that I always look at everyday. Even if someone is trying to let me down, I will not let that happen because I will chose the right thing by not listening to what they are saying and just thinking of positive thoughts along the way. My one word will not only change the way I act or do things but it can also change my life and daily routines. This is why I chose the word choice to be my one word for 2018.
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