Usually most weekends I love going to the Libray. I love it there because it is so peaceful and full of books. I also love reading and that’s the main reason why I love going there. Today I went to my local library and stayed there for a while to find a book that I might like. I pick up this book called Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horwath. My fourth grade teacher read it to the class but I am ver6 courious to read it again because I completely forgot what it was about. I might blog about it when I am done. :) Anyways the library is kind of like my second home because I am always there on weekends and at my house on the weekdays. I know most of the people there and check out a lot of books. My mom said I might get my very own library card for my birthday. :) I so excited for that!! So I enjoyed going to the Library today. Have you ever been to a library or what are some of your favorite books?
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